
Welcome to Laurier Flow!

Flow is a course planning website for Wilfrid Laurier University students. You can find everything from courses and professors to prerequisites here.

Our mission is simple: to empower Laurier students through uncensored and unfiltered course and professor reviews.

Had a bad prof? We want to know. Had a great one? Tell us as well. Found a course completely and utterly useless? Leave a review. Your experiences help us help more than 20,000 students like you every month choose great courses and avoid not so great ones.

Meet Our Founders

Team Member Profile of Faizaan Qureshi

Lead Software Engineer - Computer Science (UW) + Business Administration (BBA)

Known for his visionary approach, Faizaan has not only architected the robust backend infrastructure but also played a key role in developing significant frontend components, including the entire Explore page, Courses, and Professors pages. He crafted the homepage, styled key authentication modals, and engineered database functions and triggers. He also acted as the project’s product manager. He adeptly handles daily standups and efficiently manages tasks using Jira. Outside of his technical and managerial roles, Faizaan enjoys coding, traveling, basketball, and maintaining a fit lifestyle, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and team leadership.

Team Member Profile of Muhammad Mujtaba

Co-Lead Software Engineer - Computer Science (UW) + Business Administration (BBA)

Specializing in critical functionalities, Muhammad has adeptly developed the search bar, navigations, and elements of the homepage design, showcasing his ability to enhance user interaction and site efficiency. His expertise also extends into cloud computing, where he excels in deploying scalable and robust cloud solutions. An avid sports enthusiast, Muhammad passionately supports local teams like the Toronto Raptors and the Maple Leafs, reflecting his team-oriented mindset and community spirit.

Team Member Profile of Abdullah Shahid

Software Engineer - Computer Science (UW) + Business Administration (BBA)

Abdullah focused primarily on developing the authentication system and flows along with other essential components of the project. On top of this, he also designed the UI and theme for several pages and components, ensuring a clean user experience. Abdullah is working at Lyft, and is pursuing a career in iOS and ML engineering. Alongside his academics and career pursuits, he is passionate about maintaining his fitness by regularly doing weightlifting and calisthenics, while practicing jiu-jitsu and wrestling.

Team Member Profile of Soham Nagi

Front End Software Engineer — Computer Science @ University of Waterloo

Soham's role has been pivotal in enhancing the user experience, having developed key features such as feedback components, the About page, and the Privacy Policy. Soham's keen eye for detail doesn't stop at development; he is also deeply involved in thorough testing and UI/UX feedback and planning, ensuring that every user interaction is both intuitive and pleasing. Known for his charm, Soham is recognized as one of the handsomest brown boys around. Outside of his professional life, he is an enthusiastic soccer player and an ardent fan of Real Madrid, channeling the same passion and precision he has for frontend engineering into every game he plays or watches.

Team Member Profile of Shahrukh Qureshi

Software Engineer - Computer Science (UW) + Business Administration (BBA)

Shahrukh played a crucial role in the ideation, development, and marketing of the platform. He ensured the core processes were seamless and is actively enhancing the platform with course schedule integration, GPA calculation features, and many others with the aim to simplify the Laurier student experience. Known for his exceptional work ethic, Shahrukh stands out as one of the hardest-working individuals in any setting. A passionate basketball fan, he brings the same dedication and focus to the court as he does to his professional and academic endeavors. His commitment to excellence is a hallmark of both his career and personal life, making him a standout member of our team.